FAQs - Hyde New Homes
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How can I reset my password?
How long will Help to Buy: ISAs be available for?
Do you have Retirement Homes?
Shared ownership
What is Staircasing and how does it help me own a bigger share of my shared ownership home?
Outright salesShared ownership
Do I need any other savings besides my deposit?
Shared ownership
Am I eligible to buy a home through the Shared Ownership?
Shared ownership
How are maintenance and repair costs apportioned in a development that includes privately owned and social housing?
Shared ownership
Is the process for buying a resale apartment the same as when buying one that’s brand new?
Shared ownership
How would I go about selling a shared ownership home?
Shared ownership
Am I free to carry out home improvements such as knocking down an internal wall to create an open plan kitchen/living area?